Costume Designers/Styling

Núria Durà

Rodrigo Saavedra / Soldats / Renault

Los Perez / Biscuit + Grayskull / Tinder #1

Rodrigo Valdés / Superprime , TF7 / Dodge

Reynald Gresset / Caviar + TF7 / Amex

Armando Bo / Rebolucion / Sabritas

Los Perez / Biscuit + Grayskull / Tinder #2

Jan Wentz / Quad Group + Mamma Team / Nissan

Daniel Lundh / Simon & Paul / Fanta

Los Perez / Caviar + Grayskull / Diet Coke

Anthony Pham, John Merizalde & Michael Barth / Florence + TF7 / Fitbit Google

Rodrigo Valdés / Movie Magic + Vivi Film / Peugeot

Alex Gargot / Canada / Sarti

Henry Scholfield / Reset + TF7 / Expedia

The Perlorian Brothers / Hobby + TF7 / Heineken

Los Perez / Grayskull / CarMax

Ian Pons Jewell / TF7 / Montblanc

Kinopravda / Grayskull / Current

Andy Fogwill / Landia / Fanta

The Perlorian Brothers / Hobby + TF7 / Heineken

Torben Kjelstrup / Furlined + Radioaktive / Rakuten

Henry Scholfield / Reset + TF7 / Axe

David Vergés / Agosto / Orange

Daniel Eceolaza / Agosto / Audi

Los Perez / Grayskull / CarMax

Los Perez / Caviar / Peroni

Ida Cuellar / Primo / Lotus

Los Perez / Caviar / Diet Coke

Sebas Alfie / Minimal Films / Cientouno